Monologuing Is Hard
I've been in customer service for over 10 years. Talking isn't a difficult task for me. However, I rarely have full conversations with myself; typically I have micro thoughts or ideas that pop in and out. Programming has taught me to not be self-conscious talking out loud to myself, so one hurdle was already cleared. "Podcasting is easy. You just say what's on your mind and then do some quick edits." - One naive boi
My Dunning–Kruger moment came when I entered the editing phase. While recording I never notice my pauses; most likely due to me focusing on coming up with what to say. Once I started listening my lapses in audio felt like eternities, and that's when I realized what I just got into.
The time sink became very apparent. I can record about 30 minutes of raw material at a time depending on the topic. Part of my flow is editing my audio immediately once I've finished recording. The topic is fresh on my brain which allows me to be more in-tune with audio. I know just committed myself to listening to the full audio length + whatever time is needed to edit and examine.
Did I also mention I'm picky? That's a very annoying trait to have when you're listening for breaths, elongated pauses, tonal inflection, and screw-ups. In essence, what I thought would be a 45-60ish minute investment became a 2 hour block of time I required based on my flow.
Thankfully, an opportunity landed in my...teams chat...? A great co-worker of mine, and his friend, were nice enough to include me in a podcast they started recording! Now, I don't have to go-it alone, and we all get to enjoy some human connection in these Covid-19 times!
I'm also glad to report that having other's to talk to helps me affirm that I'm not crazy. Well...they might have other opinions.... Unfortunately, I don't have a recording I can post at this time. However...I do have some edited monologues for you! Pop on over to my BrainsOutLoud project to check them out!